Tag: aws
All the articles with the tag "aws".
Hunting secrets at Public S3 Buckets using S3Khoj
Published: at 12:00 AMS3Khoj, is a robust tool designed to help detect sensitive files at AWS public S3 buckets. "Khoj", a Nepali word meaning search or explore, perfectly encapsulates the tool's functionality for searching sensitive files within them.
Convert your AWS resources to cloudformation
Published: at 12:00 AMAWS has released Cloudformation's feature to address the issues of common developers in the initial milestone of the cloud environment. Its IaC generator solves the problem of converting the manually created resources primarily ClickOps into Infrastructure as Code.
My Experience at AWS Community Day Nepal
Published: at 12:00 AMThe first ever AWS Community Day Nepal was held almost 1.5 years ago. I will share my experience of the event and observations that made today's aws community presence.
EKS ClusterGames CTF Writeup
Published: at 12:00 AMThe EKS Cluster Games, a cloud security Capture The Flag (CTF) focuses on the Kubernetes platform. This is a walkthrough on how to find the flag.
Managing RBAC in EKS with IAM
Published: at 12:00 AMWhen working with Kubernetes clusters in AWS, the primary way to implement Kubernetes RBAC is with Amazon IAM.